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微軟電子書苑 EBooks 程式開發 繁/英文正式版【兩片裝】
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微軟電子書苑 EBooks 程式開發 繁/英文正式版【兩片裝】
■ 參考網址:http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan
- 21 世紀智慧企業必備工具 快速建構您的數位辦公室
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- Inside 微軟 Windows 2000 Third Edition
- Internet Explorer 5 Resource kit
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- Introductiing 微軟 .NET
- MCSE Designing MS Win2000 NetworkSecurity專業認證訓練手冊
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- MCSE Training Kit-MS Windows 2000 Active Directory Services
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- MCSE Training Kit Designing MS Windows 2000 Network Security
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- MCSE Training Kit MS Exchange 2000 Server Implement and Admin
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- MCSE 專業認證訓練手冊 微軟 Windows 2000 Server
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- MCSE 考題研究 70-210
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- 微軟 Encyclopedia of Networking
- 微軟 Exchange 2000 Server Administrators Companion
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- Small Business Solutions for 微軟 Windows 2000 Professional
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- 知識管理與通訊交換平台完全手冊-MS Exchange與MS Outlook整合應用
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- 認識 Active Directory Services 目錄服務
- 認識 微軟 .NET
- 認識微軟 Windows 2000 分散式服務
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